A renovated museum for discovering the mining adventure
A new park for walking and relaxing

Accueil > The Parc-Musée de la Mine

Admission and opening times

Museum is open from tuesday to sunday  10.00 am /  6.00 pm

The restorated mining gallery is closed, you can visit the museum by yourself (exhibition rooms, temporary exibition room and miners rooms)

Our cloakrooms is currently closed,please avoid bringing bulky coats or bags to the museum.

The museum is open every day except on Mondays and on 1st January, 1st May, 14th July, 15th August, 1st November and 25th December.
From 10am to 6pm.

Reservations are mandatory for groups.
Allow 1 hour 15 for the visit

Fee includes admission to the museum and to exhibitions
Ticket : 6,50 €
Half price ticket : 5,00 €
Ticket and guided tour :8,50 €
Half price ticket and guided tour :6,50 €
Children under 25 (accompanied by an adult under 18) : Free 
Students : Free
Free admission every first sunday of each month

Explore the whole of Couriot!

At the heart of a mining site declared a historic Monument, an exceptional heritage complex can be explored with your family or friends to enlighten you on the world of coal and its workers in the Saint-Etienne region. This is a museum which invites you to discover the different work areas within the pit; looking at them you would think that the miners have just finished work for the day. A restored mining gallery enables you to discover the work right down at the bottom of the pit. 
Since December 2014, 1 000 m² of new exhibition space was built to present the museum’s collections.
It features an 8-acre park around the headframe complete with playground, picnic areas and spacious lawns.
Duration of the guided visit: 1 hr 15 mins

An exciting journey, which follows the footsteps of the miners through their daily lives, as well as the evolution of techniques and expertise by visiting the buildings of the only preserved mines in the Saint-Etienne basin which was in service until 1973. 
Once you have toured the old «washbasin», you can go right down to the bottom of the pits with the cages, and then take the mining train to discover the gallery which has been restored to lifelike quality. When you come back up, continue exploring by discovering imposing machines which brought the site to life and the other heritage areas in the site (lamproom, extraction machine room, power room etc.) and from December 2014, the new exhibition rooms.

Guide and map

Visita guidata

Plan guia de la visita

Besichtigungsplan mit erlauterungen

The new Couriot

Since 2012, Couriot has been undergoing major works to safeguard its heritage, to make your visit more
comfortable and update its visiting areas. 
Discover now the new exhibition areas ! 
Explore the restored gallery with our guides only!
Explore Joseph Sanguedolce Park and enjoy its facilities
Discover the large compressor room and the electric locomotive workshop!
Explore the new 1 000 m² of exhibition areas: The Figure of the Miner, The Great Couriot History, Six Centuries of Mining Adventure in Saint-Etienne and its environs with its new audiovisual presentation.
The entire museum is now accessible to people of reduced mobility with the exception of the restored gallery.

• A shop at the museum reception
• A Saint Barbara’s Day Festival in the 1st week of December
• Summer  visits
• Temporary exhibitions
• Concerts and festivals
• A special offer for leisure centres
• An association: Amis du musée de la Mine to support and assist the work of the museum.
And so much more.... le soutien de la DRAC Rhône-Alpes (Ministère de la Culture et de la communication) et de la Région Rhône-Alpes .